Two Day Workshop for the members of Alevoor and Manipur Grama Pachayath Upa Samithi of Health and Cleanliness at PIM
In a decentralized village panchayath system, “Sthayi Samithi” (PRAESIDIUM) (committee meetings are important, felt by Chief Planning Officer A Srinivasa Rao. Ajim Premji University, Udupi Zilla Panchayath, Health and Family Planning Department, Women and Child Development, Taluk Panchayath and Poornaprajna Research and Development Centre of Poornaprajna Institute of Management conducted a two-day workshop of members of Alevoor and Manipur Village Panchayath relating to Health, Cleanliness committee. on 8.4.2017 Prof. Latha Sheshadri of Ajim Premji University presided over the function, the secretary of PIM Dr Chandrashekar also talk on this occasion. The Director of PIM Dr M. R. Hegde, the Deputy Director of Women and Child Welfare Department, Ms Greci L Gonsalvs, Resource Person of Panchayath Raj, S Janardhan Maravanthi were also present and contributed for the success of the workshop. Final MBA Student Ms Swathi Upadhya compered the programme.
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