Extension Activity : SHG training and Co-operative Society functioning Organised by PCRD ; A Research Wing of PIM In association with Azim Premji University
An extension programme was organised by
Poornaprajna Centre for Research and Development as a part of research project
granted by Azim Premji University on 8th April 2017. 20 students of
PIM were taken to Co-operative Society at Shankaranarayana to facilitate learning of
the functioning of co-operative society to the students of PIM. The students were enlightened about the baic
principles guiding the functioning of co-operatives by the President of the
co-operative society , Mr.Dayanand. The
milk collection procedure, distribution, fees payment for the farmers, the
problems faced in the process of running a milk diary was explained in detail
to the students. The students were also
exposed to the functioning of self help groups and participated in a discussion
and understood the nuances connected with the self help group functioning. The programme sensitised the students towards
the needs of the rural people in the path of achieving progress. Project officer Mr. Shashank along with the Co-ordinator of the Research
Centre, Dr.Krishna Kothai guided the students throughout the progrmme.
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