
Showing posts from March, 2017

Report of Activities of Poornaprajna Research and Development Centre 2016-17

To download, report of activities in pdf, click here:  To download PDF File of Report, click here:

Extension activity:Learning of Waste Management Model organised by PCRD : A Research Wing of PIM in association with Azim Premji University

An extension activity was organised by Poornaprajna Centre for Research and Development as a part of research project granted by Azim Premji University on 28 th March 2017.   Twenty students of Poornaprajna Institute of Management, under the guidance of Professor Emeritus Dr.Krishna Kothai learnt about the Waste Management Model adopted in Manipur and Marne villages .   Students visited these two villages and the model was demonstrated to them by Mrs.Rehena                    Students discussed with the villagers the steps taken by them to convert the solid and liquid waste into resources which can be used as fertilisers for the plants.   The programme was very useful to the students in terms of sensitising them towards the problem of accumulation of waste and their hazardous impact   resulting into   pollution of the environment.   Project officer Mr.sha...

Extension activity organized by CSR cell of PIM in association with Govt. High School, Indiranagar Udupi

Poornaprajna Institute of Management has organized one day Personality Development training programme   to the Govt High School   students of Indira Nagar Udupi. Students were trained in the areas of leadership skills and motivated them to come forward in their academic and in their future life. Institute faculties Dr. Bharath V, Dr. Naveen Kumar and Mrs Bharathi Karanth along with MBA students have conducted the programme on March 10, 2017.

Extension programme : Hyperlinking organised by ICT Club of PIM in association with the Udupi Zilla Kanakadasa Seva Samaja Regd

An extension programme is organised by ICT cell of PIM in association with Udupi Zilla Kanakadasa Seva Samaja for the benefit of children of Kuruba community studying at Volakadu School on 01/03/2017.    The ICT club consisting of 15 students educated 65 children of Kuruba community about the uses of computer and especially about hyperlinking.    How to add or insert hyperlinking in PDFs, How to edit hyperlinks and in general how to create, manage and edit hyperlinks were demonstrated to the students effectively by the members of ICT club.    Children in turn utilised this opportunity and displayed the skills they have learnt in front of the staff and members of Kuruba community .