Extension programme organised by the Human Rights Cell of PIM in association with Udupi zilla Kanakadasa Seva Samaja (Regd.)
Human Rights cell of PIM in association with Udupi Zilla Kanakadasa Seva Samaja organised an extension programme on the theme “child Labour and Prevention on 8th December 2015 for the benefit of children of Kuruba community. It is known that India is the home to the largest number of child labourers in the world. Poverty and lack of social security were the main reasons behind child labour. As Kuruba community is one of the under privileged sections of the society the Human rights cell decided to enlighten the students of Kuruba community about this problem of child labour and its prevention. Students conducted games , made presentations , showed the different ways of preventing child labour. 18 students of PIM were actively involved in designing and administering the programs to students.
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