Report on Prajna Vaibhavam (GD 29-12-2022)
The inaugural session of Prajna Vaibhavam for Academic Year 2022-23 was held on December 29, 2022. During the two-hour session that took place at Prajna Hall of the Institute, second year MBA students participated in ‘Group Discussion’. The teams that participated and the topics on which they discussed during the session are as follows: Team J: Uniform Civil Code Team O: Bio-war and Bio-weapons Team P: Hard Work vs Smart Work and Team Q: Post Covid-19 Economic Crisis Director of the Institute Dr. Bharath V, Professor Emeritus and PCRD co-ordinator Dr. Krishna Kothai all the faculty members were present during the session. Faculty members Prof. Santhosh N Prabhu and Prof. Joe Ashwin Correa judged the performance of the students. Office manager Mr. Srihari C D and support staff Mr. Sangamesh Asangi made all necessary arrangements for the smooth conduct of the session...